Many forms in our library appear to be the same or duplicates, however this is not the case! Every company is different thus not every form or document will be a perfect fit, so we have many different variations of the same types of forms.
Here you will find all the forms and documents necessary to cover any aspect of your janitorial or commercial cleaning business. All are available for immediate download after payment. For your convenience all of our documents are geared towards commercial cleaning services but may be used in any way you wish. Forms that are editable are in Microsoft Word .doc format, forms that are not editable are in PDF or PDF and Word format. Just use the drop down menu on the item page to select which format you want and that's it!
Here are just some of the forms we have available:
- Account Contracts
- Bidding Forms
- Affidavit of Independent Sub-Contractor Status
- Employee Application's
- Telemarketing Scripts
- TJC-Books
- Green Cleaning
- Fax Cover Letter or Introduction Letter
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- Introduction Letters
- Cleaning Checklists
- Flyers to Solicit Apartment Complexes
- Appointment Setting
- Business Startup Packages +-
Forms & Documents
- Account Management
- Agreemnets - Contracts - Legal
- Business Plans
- Customer Collection Letters
- Employee - Subcontractor Forms
- Floor Cleaning and Maintenance
- Green Cleaning
- Miscellaneous Janitorial Forms
- Promotional and Sales Material
- Residential Cleaning
- Startup Paperwork - Forms
- Account Bidding & Proposals
- Audio Section
- Marketing Lists
- Marketing Materials & Logo Design
- Membership Packages
- Purchase Accounts
- Websites +-